THANK YOU for your continued support of the University of Wisconsin-Madison student vehicle teams.
In addition to the time and talents of faculty, staff and student team members, maintaining the excellence of the sixx automotive vehicle programs requires support for competition and travel expenses, as well as support to purchase and maintain equipment, including computers, endmills, lathes, grinders, drill presses and many other tools that allow students to turn their designs into working vehicles.
To ensure the continued success of UW-Madison's automotive vehicle programs, we're raising funds for a vehicle team endowment. Vehicle team members raised $10,000 in start-up funds during summer 2009 and now seek support to reach the $10 million endowment goal. The endowment will take UW-Madison vehicle teams to the next level and ensure UW engineering remains a source of innovative, well-trained engineers to the automotive industry for generations to come.
The teams have established an online giving form at the UW Foundation to specify the teams as the recipients of donations:
Or, donate by check, payable to the University of Wisconsin Foundation, with an annotation:
- Undergraduate Student Automotive Excellence Fund #12576695
Mail checks to:
University of Wisconsin Foundation
U.S. Bank Lockbox
P.O. Box 78807
Milwaukee, WI, 53278-0807
Several alternatives to giving online are available. The UW Foundation explains other gift strategies and memorial scholarships in a Guide to Giving.
Endowment Publications